2nd & 3rd Class
Trip to the Botanic Gardens
On Friday the 9th of October we went on our trip to the Botanic Gardens. We were guided around the gardens by our tour guide Ciara. We learned a lot of new facts about different plants and trees. We also got to see and sit inside the Viking house, which was really...
Coding – Minecraft Adventurer
We done some coding this month using Minecraft Adventurer. We had to problem solve to complete each level. We really enjoyed the coding and look forward to doing coding more often.
Grass Heads
This month we were learning about what a plant needs to grow. Then, we made grass heads using stockings, soil, grass seeds and elastic bands. We ensured to keep them in a place were they would get lots of light and watered them regularly. We were very excited to give...
Welcome back to everyone!
On Monday 31st August we extended a huge welcome back all our pupils, parents and staff. Everyone was delighted to be back and we are all excited about a new school year. Some things look a little different (like the teachers in their visors!) but even after one day,...
Help My Kid Learn
Parents, every wondered if there is anything else you can do to help your child learn even more?! Have a look at the 'Help my kid learn' website Just enter your child's age and you will find a whole range of activities to support them in talking, playing, reading,...
Useful Sites
Other Useful Sites Toondoo - create your own cartoons online National Geographic Kids - great for project work Scratch - simple programming for kids
Word Family Games
Word Family Games and Blending Word families are groups of words ending with the same sound. We do a lot of work on these with children from Senior Infants up, to help with their spelling and word recognition. Blending is the combining of sounds to read...
Games 1st, 2nd, 3rd
Games 1st, 2nd, 3rd ICT games - a wide variety of literacy and numeracy games The Magic Key - English games Bitesize - a wide variety of English games from BBC Bitesize - a wide varety of Maths games from BBC Words and Pictures - a great site...