In May, we learned all about the Lifecycle of a Hen. Ms. Cartwright got eggs from farmers who had a rooster on their farm and we incubated 20 eggs, in the hope that we might get some chicks to hatch. We knew all of the eggs would not hatch, as not all of them would be...
Remote learning: Art work in 4th, 5th & 6th class
While remote learning isn’t the ideal situation, all the pupils in Drumcondra N.S. have been doing their very best at home, with lots of help from their very dedicated (and patient!) mammies and daddies. We have been doing lots of different lessons at home and...
Creative Schools: Architect Workshops December 2020
As part of our Creative Schools project, which is focussing on redesigning our outside space, led by pupil consultation, all classes took part in a workshop with architect Mark Costello. The pupils imagined what kind of playground they would like and created some...
Nollaig Shona! :)
Merry Christmas from all the boys and girls in 4th, 5th & 6th Class...