

In May, we learned all about the Lifecycle of a Hen. Ms. Cartwright got eggs from farmers who had a rooster on their farm and we incubated 20 eggs, in the hope that we might get some chicks to hatch. We knew all of the eggs would not hatch, as not all of them would be...
Living Faith Living History

Living Faith Living History

Dear all thank you again for your involvement with the Living Faith Living History project.  It was such a genuine pleasure to work with you all and with the children who were involved.  As promised, I am sending the link to the online flip-book version of the book...
World Book Day, Pancake Tuesday and Friendship Week

World Book Day, Pancake Tuesday and Friendship Week

Here are some photos of us celebrating Pancake Tuesday, World Book Day and Friendship Week. For Friendship Week we were all given a secret friend for the week. We had to be extra kind to our secret friend. We made cards for them and then had our lunch outside with...