Junior, Senior Infants & 1st Class
JI SI and 1st class Work
In May, we learned all about the Lifecycle of a Hen. Ms. Cartwright got eggs from farmers who had a rooster on their farm and we incubated 20 eggs, in the hope that we might get some chicks to hatch. We knew all of the eggs would not hatch, as not all of them would be...
World Book Day, Pancake Tuesday and Friendship Week
Here are some photos of us celebrating Pancake Tuesday, World Book Day and Friendship Week. For Friendship Week we were all given a secret friend for the week. We had to be extra kind to our secret friend. We made cards for them and then had our lunch outside with...
This month Junior and Senior Infants have been learning all about spring. We went on a spring walk to look for signs of spring. We found lots of signs of spring and brought them back to school. We made some spring flowers and have been learning all about what plants...
Science Week JI & SI
Take a look to see what JI & SI got up to during Science Week. On Monday we completed a STEM activity. Goldilocks had broken Baby Bear’s chair. 🪑 We had to design and make a new chair/bed for Baby Bear. On Wednesday we read the story of “The Gingerbread Man”. We...
Maths Week – JI & SI
Take a look of some of the activities that the JI and SI got up to during Maths Week. We put our Maths Eyes on and went for a walk in our local area looking for maths.
March – St Patrick’s Day & Easter
Welcome back! We are all loving being back at school with our friends. A very well done to everyone on their hard work over the last few weeks. Remote learning is not ideal but I was very impressed with all your hard work. This month has been a busy month with St...
Remote learning in Infants & 1st class
While we were all disappointed to hear that our school building wasn't opening after Christmas, we dusted ourselves off and got stuck into remote learning. We really enjoyed seeing our friends on live calls and continuing on with our learning at home. Here are two...
Creative Schools: Architect Workshops December 2020
As part of our Creative Schools project, which is focussing on redesigning our outside space, led by pupil consultation, all classes took part in a workshop with architect Mark Costello. The pupils imagined what kind of playground they would like and created some...
Take a look at some of the work we have been doing in December! Nollaig Shona Duit from everyone in Junior/Senior Infants and 1st Class.