We celebrated Seachtain na Gaeilge from Monday 7th of March until Wednesday 16th of March. During this time, we made a big effort to speak more Irish throughout the day, and also learned more about the cultures in Ireland such as Irish traditional music and traditional Irish dancing.

We all enjoyed a Lá Glas on Wednesday before St. Patricks Day, where we all wore something green to school. In the afternoon, all classes gathered in the yard where we had a Céilí Mór to celebrate Seactain na Gaeilge. We danced to songs such as the Walls of Limerick and An Dreolín. The senior classes had done lots of practicing of the dances and were great at helping the younger children to do the dances. It was lovely to all be back together again as a whole school after a long time apart in our class bubbles.

Junior Infants and Senior Infants made some St. Patrick’s Day floats for their Leprechaun to go on in the St. Patricks Day parade. They also made some lovely Irish flags to wave outside too.

1st, 2nd, and 3rd class designed Leprechaun Traps, in the hope that they might catch a Leprechaun and he would lead them to his pot of gold. They also went on a Siúlóid Nadúr in Griffith Park. We looked out for the different types of spring flowers and animals which we had been learning the words for as Gaeilge.

We all really enjoyed learning about the Irish Culture and spending the week appreciating it together.